

About Me: I'm Tracy, or tracykitn. I'm a mom of three kids, two dogs, and two cats. I like to bake bread (and other stuff, too, but mostly bread). I like to do fun, messy stuff with my kids. I play flute, somewhat indifferently -- I know the basics but I'm neither particularly talented nor particularly skilled. I enjoy fancy needlework, but again, I'm not motivated enough to be either skilled or talented. I like to read, a lot. Like, a LOT a lot. And I'm interested in a lot of different genres: romance (and all its subgenres), science fiction, fantasy, mysteries -- but I'm not so much a one for psychological thrillers. I still read a lot of my old favorites from childhood, which is actually a good thing as it's made me pretty good at recommending books to my kids. I love poetry, and I love plays but can't read them easily. I do read some non-fiction, and I'm interested in a lot of different things, but I don't always stick with them for very long. One day, I hope the stories in my head will come back and I can start trying, again, to write fiction (or even poetry) but until then, I'll continue on my current path.

About my kids:

Girl-child is 11. She likes to read. This year in school (6th grade) she's taking band and learning to play the tenor sax. However, she sings constantly and has to be nagged to death to practice her horn, so I'm thinking next year, she's going back to chorus. She is also participating in Girls on Track, which is a wonderful program designed to teach preteen girls about nutrition, body-image, good self-esteem, & other necessary skills while training them to run a 3K

DinoBoy is 8. He's in 2nd grade, and as the nickname implies, kind of obsessed with dinosaurs. We must have 2 dozen non-fiction books about dinos for him. He also enjoys playing with cars and building with legos, and right now, he's involved in turning a few spare cardboard boxes into suits of armor for himself and his brother. He's also my little overachiever, working really hard to never get a grade lower than a 95 on anything so far.

VelcroBoy is 6, soon to be 7, and in 1st grade. He loves to follow along after his brother, but is also more clingy and cuddly than his brother. He loves to help out in the kitchen; measuring flour and scraping carrots are his favorite tasks.

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