
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sorry... Bad blogger...

So I haven't posted over here in a while. We've been busy with summer stuff like going to the beach and visiting family. Kids had swimming lessons, we found sand dollars on the beach after a storm, went hiking...

Oh, and there was a possum. It got into my parents' basement, and tried to come up to the kitchen for food. There was a bit of a scuffle, and it took two live traps and three -- no, four -- different kinds of bait. It managed to eat dry cat food, wet cat food, and sardines without setting off the trap, but in the second trap, it was caught with a little dish of ice cream. Mom and Dad found it a new home in the woods, away from kids, cats, and dogs. Mom said it looked relieved to get away.

Right now, we're busy with the whole "getting ready for back-to-school" thing. The Girl-child and DinoBoy needed new stuff because they don't have anybody to pass stuff along from, and VelcroBoy needed new because DinoBoy skips sizes and VelcroBoy hardly grows. He's seven, and he still has size 4 shorts that fit. He's too tall for the pants, but the shorts...well, they're a tiny bit short, but not so you'd notice, honestly. They're not even tight through the waist. So he needed a few more things to replace the stuff he's worn out, but DinoBoy's last-year stuff kinda drowns him, so...

Hopefully, we can turn this into something, soon. I have ideas for stuff I want to do with them, soonish. Or I'll just put up pics of some of the fun stuff we've done this summer. :D